Popular everywhere

The proverbial Swiss quality is appreciated around the world. Willson brass wind instruments have their big appearance on many well known stages of the world. Our network around the music scene is therefore dense and direct. Through our partners we are represented in the following countries for our clients: In any other countries we deliver directly or through a specialist shop near you.

USA                                                         Spain/Portugal

GETZEN Company                                    Aitana Musica S.L.

Mr. David M. Surber                                    Mr. Antonio Trives

Sales Manager                                            C/Manuel de Torres, 3

530 S. Hwy. H                                             03160 Almoradi / Alicante

Elkhorn, WI 53121                                       Spain

tel: +1 262 723 4221                                    tel: +34 966 782 360

fax: +1 262 723 4245                                   fax: +34 966 783 779

e-mail: davesurber@getzen.com                  e-mail: aitanamusica@aitanamusica.com                                  



JAPAN                                                      Benelux/Netherlands/Germany

Global Corporation                                  Euro Music Corporation

2-17-7 Hyakunincho                                   Timmerfabriekstraat 5

Shinjuku-ku                                               2861 GW Bergambacht

Tokyo 169                                                 Niederlande

tel : +81 3 5389 5111                                 tel: +31 182 644 000

fax: +81 3 3367 4810                                 fax:+31 182 644 005

e-mail: global@mua.biglobe.ne.jp               aad@selmer.nl

home: www.global-inst.co.jp



Mr. Jia-Lang WU 巫佳郎
Tel: +886 933 417969
Email: wujialang@gmail.com